Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holy Bologna: Tales of a Blood Elf Priest

The first F2P twink I made was Yost, a Holy Blood Elf Priest. So far, he isn't fully geared, but he can hold his own in BGs and can easily heal through BGs or instances.

His build is:

Heal you so much it hurts!

Improved Renew - Rank 2/2
Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 10%.

Empowered Healing - Rank 3/3
Increases the healing done by your Flash Heal, Heal, Binding Heal and Greater Heal by 15%.

Desperate Prayer - Rank 1/1
Instantly heals the caster for 30% of their total health.

Why Holy?

Glad you asked! Seeing as how a majority of people rolled DPS classes, I said 'What the heck.' and rolled a healer. I didn't want to go Druid because the temptation of going DPS/FCer was there and would distract me and I wanted to save Shaman and Pally for DPSing. Also, I rolled a Holy Blood Elf Priest on retail years back by the same name and never truly finished him.

I decided to go with Holy for two reasons: The healing output seemed a lot better and Priests who go Disc ended up just being 'Bubble Priest'. I don't see PW: Shield being so amazing I need to dump point in it and miss out on a 15% healing boost. I also would rather have Chastise over Penance. Chastise has saved countless lives as well as BGs. Chastise is like Hammer of Justice, except it deals damage, stuns (disorient, w/e) for half the time HoJ stuns, and has half the cool down of HoJ. All in all, it works out INSANELY good in a pinch when I see a Rogue about to cap/grab our flag or when a player tries to run away.


Sleep tight ... Sweet prince ... :'(

Head - Flying Tiger Goggles
Shoulder - Feline Mantle
Chest - Noble's Robe / Je'neu's Robes
Back - Battle Healer's Cloak
Wrist - Crystalline Cuffs
Hands - Serpent Gloves
Waist - Girdle of Nobility / Ghamoo-Ra's Bind / Belt of the Hero
Legs - Godfrey's Britches / Leech Pants
Feet - Corpse Rompers

Finger - Stillwater's Signet / Advisor's Ring
Finger - Garrosh's Pardon / Deep Fathom Ring
Trinket - Rune of Perfection
Trinket - Insignia of the Horde
Neck - Brilliant Necklace

TwoHand - Staff of the Sunchaser / Rod of the Sleepwalker
MainHand - Dawnblade
OffHand - Eerie Stable Lantern
Ranged - Cookie's Stirring Rod / Durak's Wand

If the name of the gear is colored blue, I have it. So, I am slowly getting there.


1 comment:

  1. Great post, I'll definitely be looking at this gearset for my 20 priest.
