Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holy Bologna: Tales of a Blood Elf Priest

The first F2P twink I made was Yost, a Holy Blood Elf Priest. So far, he isn't fully geared, but he can hold his own in BGs and can easily heal through BGs or instances.

His build is:

Heal you so much it hurts!

Improved Renew - Rank 2/2
Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 10%.

Empowered Healing - Rank 3/3
Increases the healing done by your Flash Heal, Heal, Binding Heal and Greater Heal by 15%.

Desperate Prayer - Rank 1/1
Instantly heals the caster for 30% of their total health.

Why Holy?

Glad you asked! Seeing as how a majority of people rolled DPS classes, I said 'What the heck.' and rolled a healer. I didn't want to go Druid because the temptation of going DPS/FCer was there and would distract me and I wanted to save Shaman and Pally for DPSing. Also, I rolled a Holy Blood Elf Priest on retail years back by the same name and never truly finished him.

I decided to go with Holy for two reasons: The healing output seemed a lot better and Priests who go Disc ended up just being 'Bubble Priest'. I don't see PW: Shield being so amazing I need to dump point in it and miss out on a 15% healing boost. I also would rather have Chastise over Penance. Chastise has saved countless lives as well as BGs. Chastise is like Hammer of Justice, except it deals damage, stuns (disorient, w/e) for half the time HoJ stuns, and has half the cool down of HoJ. All in all, it works out INSANELY good in a pinch when I see a Rogue about to cap/grab our flag or when a player tries to run away.


Sleep tight ... Sweet prince ... :'(

Head - Flying Tiger Goggles
Shoulder - Feline Mantle
Chest - Noble's Robe / Je'neu's Robes
Back - Battle Healer's Cloak
Wrist - Crystalline Cuffs
Hands - Serpent Gloves
Waist - Girdle of Nobility / Ghamoo-Ra's Bind / Belt of the Hero
Legs - Godfrey's Britches / Leech Pants
Feet - Corpse Rompers

Finger - Stillwater's Signet / Advisor's Ring
Finger - Garrosh's Pardon / Deep Fathom Ring
Trinket - Rune of Perfection
Trinket - Insignia of the Horde
Neck - Brilliant Necklace

TwoHand - Staff of the Sunchaser / Rod of the Sleepwalker
MainHand - Dawnblade
OffHand - Eerie Stable Lantern
Ranged - Cookie's Stirring Rod / Durak's Wand

If the name of the gear is colored blue, I have it. So, I am slowly getting there.


First Post

A'hoy-hoy party people and welcome to my blog. This is still new to me, so forgive my bland approach to blogging, but I am sure it will get better over time.

Anyway, my name is Zuty. I am a moderator on Twink Info as well as a long time WoW player. I've been playing WoW since the early beta stages and I started twinking in WoW when it was still very young and wasn't even known as twinking yet. Now, I could sit here all day and tell you stories about how I spent 500g on a Beastslayer enchant, or how I was the first twink on my realm to have fiery on both my daggers, and that I was one of the best FCing Shamans on all of Burning Blade back in my day, and for you to get off my damn lawn, but I won't bore you with my ramblings and will instead use this blog to catalog my free to play twinking process for each class.

Now, I am not aiming to get BiS for each class, when it happens, it happens, but I will talk about my experience in the F2P 20 bracket and discuss the pros and cons of the classes. Hopefully you will stick around and read my blog.

Can't think of anything else to say ...
